What an amazing position to be in, but what a difficult choice to make. They are all so appealing and offer so many opportunities for her, I am sure she will make the right decision. As you will see from the picture, her instrument of choice is the drums, and oh how she loves to play them. "Find something you love to do and you will never have to work a day in your life". What a fantastic future she has ahead of her.
[KATE is sat at the kitchen table clutching a baby monitor staring into space GREG enters via the back door]
Morning lovely, it’s a beautiful day isn’t it?
[KATE jumps to her feet]
What! Is it? How the hell would I know and what time do you call this? Where the hell have you been?
Oh, well, erm, sorry I am a bit late I was just erm, I just had to erm, just…
Oh for god’s sake you fool spit it out why don’t you. Who the hell do you think you are coming in here at this time all fake smiles and sweetness and light. I haven’t slept for 3 days straight and you coming in here yabbering will just about push me over the edge.
Oh dear I’m sorry, is there anything I can do to help.
WHAT? Are you insane, you just waltz in here with your pathetic offers of assistance. Do you think I am a bad mother? Do you think I cannot cope? Let me tell you something, you have absolutely no **ing idea.
Of course you’re not a bad mother, erm you’re a great mum. Please don’t be angry with me I was only trying to help.
[KATE sits back down]
Oh god, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I am just so very tired. Please, just sit down with me for a minute, Maisy is finally sleeping you don’t need to help but thank you for offering it means so much. I’m at breaking point, this tiny little bundle is driving me crazy. I mean I should be able to do this shouldn’t I? I am a capable professional, a confident successful woman and yet I feel useless, absolutely useless.
[KATE begins to cry]
It takes time my dear, there there. You are doing the best that you can.
[KATE jumps to her feet]
'Doing the best that I can', don’t patronise me you arrogant prick.
Look I know it’s tough and I sympathise with you but there is no need to speak to me like that.
I am only speaking to you like that because you have absolutely no idea what I am going through and pretending you do and patronising me is no help whatsoever. What the hell do you know that I don’t already know eh? Answer me that.
Well I just…
In fact don’t bother Mr know-it-**ing-all. How’s about you feed Maisy, oh wait a minute that’s right you can’t can you because you don’t have any breasts!
[KATE takes a steps towards GREG]
Never in your pathetic miserable life will you have to experience the unimaginable horror of your child sucking on your nipples until they bleed!
Or how about you change her nappy, oh well let’s see you can’t do that either can you as you have not got a **ing clue where her nappies are have you?
Now hang on one minute…
Well maybe your over inflated brain can make some sort of educated guess as to why she is always crying, when she is fed, winded, clean and dry. Because I tell you what Einstein, I have a goddam Bachelor's Degree and I don’t have a clue. What’s the matter, cat got your tongue now? Why are you looking at me with your pathetic mouth hanging open? Come on let’s hear your ingenious suggestions on how YOU could possibly help ME?
That’s it. I don't need this I have work to do. I think you need to calm down. I’m leaving.
Oh yeah go on then. Ruin my day and then ** off! That’s just great isn’t it, well thanks for nothing!
Look Mrs Thomas I just came to fix the dishwasher. Goodbye.
Finally to finish off I have, as well as poetry, short stories and attempting to write my first novel, also written lyrics. Although to me personally poetry and lyrics go hand in hand. Here are a couple I stumbled upon within my writing archives. Now back to that novel!
Here I am
Apprehensive and a little too wise
Saw the truth caught up in your lies
You were different…
Felt the spark
Like an explosion of the exquisite kind
For a while I lost my mind
I was flying high…
Grabbing clouds
Too high to see below
Where this goes I do not know
It’s a journey…
Cause I’m not perfect
My flaws are plain to see
And you’re not perfect
But you’re perfect to me…
Don’t you see
We could easily fall apart
I know you’re tired of breaking hearts
You won’t break me…
Take the reigns
Tell me what to do and where to go
When it comes to this I don’t know
Not sure I want to…
Can you feel it
This is a passion of a different kind
How easy your hand fits mine
Do you really know me…
Cause I’m not perfect
My flaws are plain to see
And you’re not perfect
But you’re perfect to me…
Hayley Mars
When you’re hurtling through vacant space
And you don’t recall their face
The world is changing but you’re not there
Hard to imagine that you don’t care.
Nothing makes sense, no sight no sound.
Oblivion is dark, not that easily found
A thousand pins torture your core
You don’t want to be here anymore.
The fog is never going to clear
Of the things you once held so dear
As the demons are dragging you down
You surrender to the powdered clown.
What have you got to lose now?
Those fools thought that they knew how
But they didn’t know at all
Watch the big man fall…
Rapacity rivals your birthright
Reticent whilst hunting for the high
Nothing normal for you to find
Just the destruction you left behind.
Euphoria perishes, languishes fast
Now every breath could be your last
Hoisted by one's own petard
In a lifetime that’s been so hard.
Eyes closed drifting to obscurity
No feeling no sense of clarity
You’re defunct and the end is nigh
Was it really worth the high.
What have you got to lose now?
Those fools thought that they knew how
But they didn’t know at all
Watch the big man fall…
Hayley Mars