I have packed my bags and I am ready to go!
This Christmas will find my family and I cruising the Mediterranean. Starting in Barcelona and then stopping in Tangier, Las Palmas, Tenerife, Malaga and then back to Barcelona. It is my first cruise and I literally cannot wait. We are going on the Norwegian Epic which really is "Epic".
This therefore will be my last blog of 2015 and I will return in the New Year refreshed rejuvenated and hopefully with a half decent tan. I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you all for reading my blog and to everybody for their continued support. I have lots of projects in mind for 2016 and I am looking forward to returning to my Creative Writing Class in January. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and an amazing New Year. Eat, drink and be merry. Bon voyage.
Now turning to my writing. Well it’s official. I am now a published poet!
The competition which I entered a while ago have written to me today to confirm they have selected my poem to publish in their next compilation of poetry. So although I didn’t win the competition (or the £25.00 prize money) I do get to see my work published.
You can find further information about past, present and future competitions run by United Press at http://www.unitedpress.co.uk/
Anyway the theme was Spring and here is my contribution.
Spring Has Begun
As the tyranny of winter takes its last breath
And the air becomes fresh, pure and new
The queen of the seasons is upon us
Bringing with it the sweet smell of dew.
The trees and plants prepare for rebirth
Budding blooms raise their sleepy heads
The hustle and bustle of the bumble bees
Begin their tireless work on flowerbeds.
The cold hard ground now a carpet of green
Daisies dotted like a sprinkle of flakes
Fluffy white clouds, clear blue skies
Returning to us what the winter takes.
The enchanting scent of the fresh new rose
Reaching and lifting in the warmth of the sun
High on the hills, deep in the meadows
Greeting us, meeting us swaying with fun.
Butterflies fluttering their delicate wings
Gloriously glistening to dazzle and stun
The warmth the laughter, the happy ever after
That winter is over and spring has begun.
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